Continuous Verification Program (CVP)

Based on our surveys and the analysis of the data gathered when conducting third party graduate employment verifications for schools and colleges, we strongly believe one of the best ways to stay compliant with an important metric such as placement verification is to engage in a Continuous Verification Program (CVP). Therefore, in addition to the existing verification programs we currently offer, we are excited to launch a Continuous Verification Program (CVP) to better support new and existing clients.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

See below for the most frequently asked questions (faq) on the continuous verification program (CVP):

1. What is a Third Party Continuous Verification Program (CVP)?

A third party continuous verification program simply means a third party verifies all graduate placement records on a continuing basis. To further clarify, once placement activities and in-house verifications currently being done at the campus are entered, those employment records are further verified by an independent third party auditor to ensure the data is accurate and has been confirmed with the graduate or employer. The graduate records are continuously uploaded to the third party verifier on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis depending on the client requirements and the number of placement activities at any given campus.

2. What is the major benefit of a Continuous Verification Program (CVP)?

The major benefit of a CVP is that the most recent graduate employment records at any given campus will be considered verified and documented by an independent third party verifier at any given time. In most cases, completing verifications on a continuing basis will eliminate adverse verification results caused by aging employment data.

Here are some of the issues that causes adverse verification results when verifications are done with aging employment data:

  1. Employers of your graduates go out of business
  2. Employee turnovers result in poorly maintained employer’s HR records
  3. Employer ownership change results in inaccurate or missing HR records
  4. Employers relocate and contact information changes
  5. Graduates’ contact information changes
  6. Prior graduate employment cannot be verified because graduate’s career goals and new employment is not related to field of study
  7. Graduate no longer works at original employer and prior employee records are missing
  8. High employee turnover in career services department at the campus
  9. Inaccurate data entered in the system by inexperienced CS staff

3. What are the downsides if any to a Continuous Verification Program (CVP)?

Though we do not see any downsides to a CVP, there will be additional burden on the CS staff to ensure employment data is accurate and submitted timely to the third party verifier. This second level of verification by an independent third party verifier will result in placing greater accountability on the career services staff in ensuring employment data is accurate and in compliance when reporting placements.

4. Why should my school engage in a Continuous Verification Program?

We believe that engaging in a CVP is a business decision that further demonstrates the school’s commitment to staff, students, and accreditors the importance of being in compliance. We always recommend being Proactive Vs. Reactive when compliance could be at stake. Here are some reasons why a few of our clients have engaged in our Continuous Verification Program

  1. Compliance – Peace of mind – knowing that the placement verification data has already been verified by a third party and that the data is accurate and confirmed.
  2. An unannounced site visit or audit by an accrediting agency of placement data will not result in adverse findings with verifications.
  3. Continuous Verification Program (CVP) eliminates the factors that could result in adverse verification results due to aging employment data.
  4. Continuous Verification Program (CVP) will place greater accountability on the CS staff to ensure data is accurate
  5. Third party verification results and auditor notes from the CVP are used to create best practices, implement any process changes and provide additional placement training to CS staff

5. How affordable is the Continuous Verification Program (CVP)?

Financially, schools are already subject to an added expense to comply with the existing verification program in place by the accrediting commission. A continuing verification program (CVP) will include the required existing verification program with minimal additional expense. Keep in mind; the additional benefits from the CVP outweigh the additional costs

We also understand that schools operate with limited budgets and therefore we have created two options that schools can choose from. We offer a fixed monthly low cost program OR a cost per record verification program depending on the estimated number of records requiring verification.

6. Is my school required to engage in a Continuous Verification Program (CVP) by ACCSC?

The answer is No. We are not aware of ACCSC or any other accrediting agencies requiring a continuous verification program. Please refer to the ACCSC web site to learn more about the placement verification requirement that is currently in place.

7. Can I use the CVP data and reports for accreditation reporting?

The answer is yes, provided the third party verifier who is engaged in the verification process has met the accreditor requirements set by the commission. We (Auxicent) meet the requirements set forth by ACCSC and will provide the required reports, letter of attestation, and other documents as required by the accreditor.

8. What if I am not satisfied with your service?

We are confident enough in our service to offer you this guarantee as a reminder of what we stand for. If we fail to meet your expectations in any way, we will hold ourselves accountable. So why not engage us for the continuous verification program with our “No Cost. No Obligation Offer”. If you are not fully satisfied with our service, we will refund you. You have nothing to lose.

9. How do I get my school started on a Continuous Verification Program?

Please contact us at info@auxicent.com or call us at 510-331-1124.

You are also welcome to click on this link and request a free consultation.

Feel free to download this page CVP-faq-2017.pdf